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Welcome to Lucidity's HSEQ industry news and resources. Everything HSEQ and more!

Meet the team: Greg, Stefan, Maddie, Alex & John

Lucidity Software has gone through a significant period of growth over the past 12 months.


What is Critical Control Management and why is it important?

As a business in a high-risk industry, proactive Risk Management is a crucial element of overall...

National Safe Work Month. Think Safe. Work Safe. Be Safe.

In October each year, Safe Work Australia promotes National Safe Work Month. This initiative asks...

New Lucidity Feature: Organisational Structure Filtering by Object

Actions are common across a number of modules in the system, discoverable via a ‘My Actions’ and...

Send to CEO #9: Show me the ROI

For most organisations, all business decisions come back to one central deciding factor.

Send to CEO #8: Insuring Cost Savings

When senior business executives consider implementing an HSEQ system, next to safety, there is one...

Send to CEO #7: To centralise or not to centralise

Ever since CEOs started managing companies they have been faced with decisions around...

Send To CEO #6: Championing Mental Health

What is your most costly safety issue facing businesses at the moment? Compensation? Business...

The true impact of health & safety

Health & safety professionals have one central focus. Ensuring that workers remain safe...

Send to CEO #5: Connecting Remote Employees with Head Office

For those of us who are used to working in head offices and behind a computer, living through...