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Lucidity Product Updates
Full release notes can be found here.
Asset Maintenance
Reminder Based on Usage
Lucidity now offers more ways to set up notifications for maintenance due dates on assets.
Previously users could be notified within 30 days of when an asset was due for maintenance or services.
Users can now also set notifications when an asset is approaching its usage threshold before the next maintenance.
To set this up, enter the percentage of the next maintenance interval in the Asset Maintenance Schedule. For example, if maintenance is required every 10,000 kms, setting the percentage to 5% will trigger a reminder when the asset is 500kms away from its next due maintenance.

dropdown lists are now sortable
Users can now create a dropdown list for a form and then choose to sort the items in the list in a range of ways.
For example, the list can be sorted alphabetically, or numerically. Including from A-Z, Z-A, Numbers high to low, or low to high.
If no sort is required “None” can be selected, which means the dropdown list displays in the order the items were added.

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